Spaghetti alla Crema

This is a recipe I made up myself when there was some cream left over in my fridge. That's why it bears this faux-Italian name. But regardless of any naming issues, it's really good and easily done, as I don't usually go for hard-and-time-consuming. It can also be very filling, especially in bigger portions, so if you want to impress a dear person with how you can prepare an elegant, showy meal - and are incidentally starving - this recipe is for you.

It can be done in vegetarian or "carnivorous" version. I'm presenting vegetarian here, with appropriate hints when necessary. Oh, and the usual reminder : You do not need to go along with my obsession for spaghetti. This sauce goes wonderfully with tagliatelle and its cousins (much better than napoli does), penne and fettuccine. I have not tried other kinds, so if You do, I'd like to hear about it.
  • Spaghetti no.5
  • Green olives (may be swapped for bacon for carnivores or both can be used)
  • Thick, sour cream
  • Garlic
  • Cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Seasoning: basil, oregano... the usual stuff (You can add some pepper to spice up the mild taste of cream)
The sauce will be ready within minutes, so time Your activities accordingly. My advice is to chop, grind and grate everything beforehand and only start cooking when You have the ingredients ready and waiting. So dice the olives (and/or bacon) thinly, then follow up with garlic, and grate the cheese. Put the water on for boiling pasta.
If You're going for the meat version, it will take slightly longer than just the olives. Either way, pour some oil onto a frying pan and fry the olives (bacon) for some time over small heat, taking care not to overdo. Supervise them as You wait for the water to boil. Put the pasta into the pot, stir so it doesn't stick, and wait for some time. By now, Your olives (bacon) should be near-ready or ready, so if there's any spare time, take them off the heat. You can add some of the garlic, but not all of it, now.
Check on the pasta. If it's still too hard, but getting there, it's time to finish the sauce. Pour the cream onto the mildly-heated pan and stir gently, then add garlic and seasoning. Keep the sauce over small heat so it won't congeal as You wait for the pasta. Cover with grated cheese.
This dish should be served hot, and eaten right after preparation. It does not keep well, nor does it lend itself well to reheating. Straight off the stove is the only option.
Serve with rich, red wine that will be able to compete with the sauce. As it's not actually full of vitamins, You might want to add a light salad, best served beforehand. After this, chances are You won't really feel like eating anything else.

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